I’ve been out a couple of times over the last few days looking for wildlife to photograph. Plenty of kangaroos around but not much else at the moment.
Here’s a couple more shots while I get used to this new lens, the Sigma 150-600mm Sport lens.
2016 Women In Mining and Resources Queensland, Awards Breakfast
This morning I had the pleasure of listening to Li Cunxin give his motivating and emotional keynote address to a packed house at the Women in Mining and Resources Queensland’s breakfast awards at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. Such an inspirational story of determination and perseverance.
Testing the new Jinbei HD-600 Monobloc
Click on the image above for GIF
Testing the Jinbei HD-600 MonoblocTesting the new Jinbei HD 600 cordless flash unit last night and Eli turned it on for me to see how well it could keep up with the Canon 5DmkIII motor drive.
This is an 11 shot sequence at full motordrive and it only missed one frame (frame 8 is a stop’ish over exposed) so I think that’s pretty damn good for a battery powered monobloc for well under $800.00!!
Thanks Tony PROtog QLD…
Other observations are it’s quite ‘cold’ so needs warming up to balance with other lights or I’ve been shooting on shade or cloudy WB setting to get in camera results I’m happy with.
National Stroke Week 8-14 Sept 14
Were you one of the city folk who walked past the National Stroke Foundation’s ‘Free Blood Pressure check’ station in King George Square on Wednesday?
… or, like Lawrence Springborg, were you one of the 200 people who did stop? I did (after I finished the job obviously), and even after a few hours of running around in the heat of the day my results were good… phew!
Look them up, get checked… it’s National Stroke Week, http://strokefoundation.com.au/event/national-stroke-week-will-be-8-14-september-2014/

Re-vist of the first image off the 5D mkIII
The real first image off the 5D mkIII
What’s the first thing you do with a new camera… grab your daughters nearest toy and shoot it at the highest ISO you can… just because you can 😉
Warm CFL’s over head… 16-35mm f2.8 at 1/80 @ f8 (hand held)
Full frame image and a 100% crop at the focus point.
First Image off the 5D mkIII

First test image off the Canon 5D mkIII. Taken at the Wynnum water front on a very grey and miserable day in sunny QLD. This image is straight out of the camera with with just the inbuilt Landscape Profile in ACR applied.
The detail at the birds is great. I’ll post up a 100% crop when I get back into the studio later but I have to pop out for a few hours now.
Oh, and the high ISO is phenomenal. Shot one last night at 25600 ISO and at a first glance it would be a clearer shot than my old Fuji Press 800 neg film I used to shoot my basketball on.
A new toy for a big kid.
QLD AIPP State Awards
Nothing like leaving things to the last minute!!
QAPPA entries are done and on their way to the awards.
Only two entries this year… I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing but this year has been soooo busy that I haven’t had any time to get stuck in and shoot any specific award images.
Fingers crossed!!
Timelapse of setting up the Broncos shoot
Wednesday had a large crew descend onto the Broncos Leagues Club car park for a day of photography.
Here’s a short time-lapse of setting up the 4 sets we needed for all the days scenarios.